Virtual Poster Session

It’s not news anymore…counting more than 2 months of a different, unpleasant reality for the whole World, it’s very clear our role, activities, plans, norms, standards have changed. Even postponed or cancelled. Has this marked the end of our contribution and support to research or is it just an abrupt shift to our identity and role?

Trying to put together the experience and strategic actions of academic libraries in Türkiye and worldwide, we decided to organize and host a virtual poster session as a freely accessible pool of evidence. Showcasing our “survival” skills under the current circumstances can help us engage with each other to share experience, difficulties, best solutions and unsuccessful attempts, upcoming plans and lessons learned.

Come join us and tell your story:

How are you surviving this case?  How do you reach out to your community? How do you support distance education in your Institution? How do you cope with access restrictions and well-established norms?

Posters can include:

  • Training & support to distance education
  • Access to resources
  • Services (e.g. document delivery)
  • Technical issues, difficulties and barriers
  • Work from home experience: how to keep yourself and your team well motivated?
  • Any other activities / services implemented these days

The session will be divided into two main categories:

  • Global cases
  • The Turkish paradigm

Abstract Rules

  • The abstract should not go over 250 words (title and authors name and surname are excluded)
  • The abstract should include mission, method, findings, and there need to be three keywords about your topic.
  • There shall not be any citations in the abstract.
  • The following should be included in the abstract:
    • Abstract Title
    • Name of the author(s): Title, name and surname
    • The name of the affiliated institutions of the authors and emails


  • You can select a working template for your interactive iPoster from a variety of choices: PPT, PPTX, PDF, Sway, Prezi, Powtoon, Genially, Video, etc.
  • Your iPoster should include: Title, Subtitle (if applicable), Author/-s affiliation (contact details / Institution / Country)
  • PPT, PPTX, PDF, Sway, Prezi, Genially, Powtoon file size should be max. 25mb.
  • Videos should be up to 5’ long

Only posters with a fully developed idea will be accepted.

Authors have to be available to reply to comments at their convenience during June 10 – 12, to assure the interactivity targeted with the audience.

Important dates

Abstract submission deadline: May 25, 2020

Abstract approval announcement day: May 27, 2020

Poster submission deadline: June 5, 2020

Poster Sessions: June 10-11-12, 2020

Comments are closed.