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Connectedness @ the Alex
Anne Burnett, Rachel Evans
Alexander Campbell King Law Library, University of Georgia School of Law
Teleworking, communication, connection
Mission: Determine effective combination of apps to support both the workflows and the social connectedness of a collegial staff forced to pivot to working from home with one week’s notice
The University of Georgia’s Alexander Campbell King Law Library has a staff of around 25 with a strong culture of face-to-face communication, collegiality and socialization. Our work is often team-driven, and small groups walk to nearby coffee shops nearly daily for informal meetings and camaraderie. When we transitioned rapidly to a work-from-home environment in mid-March, the library’s leadership was concerned not only that every staff member would have the proper technology and equipment to be able to work comfortably and productively from home but were also concerned about losing this sense of community and connectedness. The library’s director and trio of associate directors solicited ideas for communicating both about work projects and about social matters in ways that would most closely mimic our in-library environment. The combination that is working effectively for us is:
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