Challenges and threats in building a virtual network for scientific update and remote training in an Italian public Health Board
Gradito, P; Romolaccio, M. ; Sarrecchia, E.; Di Giampietro, S.;Signoretti, G.; Colantonio, M.; Piras A.; DI Egidio, A.; Bozzano, A.
Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana M. Aleandri (IZSLT)
The present work shows how the Library and the Training Office of an Italian public health body – Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Lazio e della Toscana M. Aleandri – is implementing a virtual network to supply scientific update, information and remote training to the staff, such as researchers, chemists, veterinarians, biomedical laboratory technicians as wella s administrative staff.
The activities are being carried out in three areas concurrently:
1) Working at home: building and maintaining a team able to operate remotely;
2) Remote library activities: remote front office services such as document delivery, information retrieval and bibliographic research; language editing and support to scientific production assisting researchers in debunking predatory publishers, revise and publish scientific works; alerting on updated scientific readings and launching new resources trials;
3) Distance learning through:
Methods: problem solving and digital solidarity; experiencing new platforms, new digital tools and instruments for legal scientific information sharing and study
Results: data showing the impact of the initiatives undertaken as to:
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