
Closing the (social) distance


Jennifer Salomonsson


SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences)


Digital; meeting; language; teleworking


This presentation focuses on cases and experiences that I subjectively feel can benefit to other librarians around the world.

Let’s have an Online Coffee and Speak Swedish

During a UX study, international students expressed the wish to meet eachother and practice Swedish in a safe environment. In September 2019, we launched a coffee break in Swedish. The online experience is bringing unexpected surprises! ♥

5 Tips for Better Digital Meetings

SLU is a university spread across three main campus locations, and so is the SLU University Library. We are therefore used to work digitally together and have developed our own “best practices”.

Our Feel Good Habits ☺

Together we designed an interactive image with our “secret” top tips to work more efficiently from home and feel good: https://www.thinglink.com/scene/1318845889472626691 Something to test with your team?

(Access to resources from home and digital services is nothing new for us. Even if this is not the main focus of the presentation, the basics of our institution is briefly covered, as a bonus point.)


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